Midwest End-of-Life Doula Collective

The Midwest End-of-Life Doula Collective is comprised of professionally trained end-of-life doulas, and doulas in training from St. Louis and its surrounding area who serve the dying and their families. We educate the public, health care providers, and individuals regarding end-of-life care and the role of the end-of-life doula. We expand our knowledge, collaborate, and provide a community of support for one another. The Midwest End-of-Life Doula Collective welcomes all who care about end-of-life and seek to empower those who are dying and their loved ones.


The mission of the Midwest End-of-Life Doula Collective is to transform the end-of-life experience through awareness, collaboration, and advocacy.

End-of-Life Doulas are:   

  • Non-medical
  • Family-centered
  • Advocates for the dying
  • Emotionally supportive
  • Pragmatic and well-resourced
  • Holistic
  • Non-judgmental
  • There to honor and support patient and family decisions & decision-making
  • A complement to hospice care

End-of-Life Doulas may offer the following:  

  • Help with end-of-life planning, which may include green burial or home funeral
  • Support from initial diagnosis through bereavement
  • Sitting vigil with the dying and their loved ones
  • Assistance with advance care planning
  • Education, information and resources
  • Addressing concerns of both client and family (i.e.: fear, dread, death process)
  • Building a network of support
  • Provide comfort before and after death
  • Assistance with life review
  • Respite or overnight care
  • Household Support
  • Personal care

Each end-of-life doula’s practice will differ based on their areas of expertise.

Ethical Standards

The Midwest End-of-Life Doula Collective is committed to a set of ethical standards. These standards are relevant for end-of-life doulas regardless of their professional functions, the settings in which they work, or the populations they serve.

These standards give the public and healthcare organizations an understanding of the ethical principles and practices that guide the professionally trained end-of-life doula. They are important when ethical uncertainties arise in the performance of end-of-life doula services to a dying person and their loved ones.


Choosing an End-of-Life Doula

Questions to consider:

  • Does the doula have the availability to offer what is needed?
  • Will the needs of your loved one and family be met by the services offered?

Additional factors that may influence your choice:

  • Gut feeling
  • Training & background

What does an End-of-Life Doula Cost?

  • Prices vary depending on services and needs – inquire with the individual doula
  • If you are an organization interested in a set number of hours per week, please contact doulas individually  

Further Information and Resources:

St. Louis and Surrounding Area
Name Phone Number Email Business Name Social Media
Patti Berni 314-822-8261 pattihpc@aol.com    
Joan Bretthauer 314-878-3927 joan@aceendoflifedoula.com ACE End-of-Life Doula Services ACEforSeniors (facebook)
Kim Burgess 618-702-9160 Kim@ComfortingTransitions.com Comforting Transitions, LLC ComfortingTransitions (facebook)
Dr. Maurya D. Cockrell 314-304-2051 info@leavesspeak.com Leaves Speak Healthcare, Inc. Leaves-Speak-Healthcare (facebook), leaves-speak-healthcare-inc (linkedin), leavesspeak (twitter), leavesspeak (intstagram)
Alisha Daniels 706-566-4476 Alishadaniels989@gmail.com    
Mike Elliff 314-412-9867 bdywrkr8@gmail.com    
Belinda Enriquez-Sanchez 636-409-4686 doula@sacredroads.org Sacred Roads LLC  
Kristina Golden 314-312-8215 goldenginkgodoula@gmail.com Golden Ginkgo Doula Services foldenginkgodoula (instagram)
Robin Huffman   info@themortalitymentor.com The Mortality Mentor themortalitymentor (instagram)
Jeannine Millner 314-974-4104 jmillner@halcyondoula.com Halcyon Doula Services halcyon.doula.services (facebook)
Christine Grace Parker 314-603-9596 deathdoulachristinegrace@gmail.com Death Doula Christine Grace deathdoulachristinegrace (instagram)
Lauren Ponder 303-598-9284 lauren@withlove.events With Love Events withlovestl (instagram)
Lacey Reinhardt 618-741-4317 Lreinhardt1120@gmail.com St. Louis Death Midwife  
Delaney Rhea 314-330-1045 delaneyrhea@yahoo.com The Sacred Sunset  
Gina Sheridan 559-367-1634 gina@radicallovedeathdoula.com Radical Love Death Doula  
MollieShea Stephens 314-498-5613 clovereolguide@gmail.com Clover End-of-Life Guide cloverendoflifeguide (instagram)
Courney Tatlow 636-795-0093 Cortney@JoyfulTransitionsDoula.com Joyful Transitions, LLC  
Gale Thackery 618-304-2660 galethackrey@gmail.com Luminous Life  
Natalie Turner-Jones 636-233-0063 Nat.turnerjones@gmail.com Companioning the Dying  
Kansas City, Missouri
Niki Staab 816-964-9434 info@kcendoflife.com KC End of Life KCEndofLife (instagram)
Allison Unruh 785-410-8893 KCEOLD.Allison@gmail.com KC End-of-Life (nonprofit), Banner Endings Doula Collective  
Jackson County, Missouri
Gwynn Olson 816-876-8319 gwynnrenae@hotmail.com Guided Grief and Goodbyes  
Boone Calloway Counties. Missouri
Terry Wilson 573-230-2162 terrynobel@gmail.com True Nature Center for Wellness  
St. Louis and Surrounding Area
Name Phone Number Email Business and Social Media
Patti Berni 314-822-8261 pattihpc@aol.com  
Joan Bretthauer 314-878-3927 joan@aceendoflifedoula.com ACE End-of-Life Doula Services ACEforSeniors (facebook)
Kim Burgess 618-702-9160 Kim@ComfortingTransitions.com Comforting Transitions, LLC ComfortingTransitions (facebook)
Dr. Maurya D. Cockrell 314-304-2051 info@leavesspeak.com Leaves Speak Healthcare, Inc. Leaves-Speak-Healthcare (facebook), leaves-speak-healthcare-inc (linkedin), leavesspeak (twitter), leavesspeak (instagram)
Alisha Daniels 706-566-4476 Alishadaniels989@gmail.com  
Mike Elliff 314-412-9867 bdywrkr8@gmail.com  
Belinda Enriquez-Sanchez 636-409-4686 doula@sacredroads.org Sacred Roads LLC
Kristina Golden 314-312-8215 goldenginkgodoula@gmail.com Golden Ginkgo Doula Services goldenginkgodoula (instagram)
Robin Huffman   info@themortalitymentor.com The Mortality Mentor themortalitymentor (instagram)
Jeannine Millner 314-974-4104 jmillner@halcyondoula.com Halcyon Doula Services halcyon.doula.services (facebook)
Christine Grace Parker 314-603-9596 deathdoulachristinegrace@gmail.com Death Doula Christine Grace deathdoulachristinegrace (instagram)
Lauren Ponder 303-598-9284 lauren@withlove.events With Love Events withlovestl (instagram)
Lacey Reinhardt 618-741-4317 Lreinhardt1120@gmail.com St. Louis Death Midwife
Delaney Rhea 314-330-1045 delaneyrhea@yahoo.com The Sacred Sunset
Gina Sheridan 559-367-1634 gina@radicallovedeathdoula.com Radical Love Death Doula
MollieShea Stephens 314-498-5613 clovereolguide@gmail.com Clover End-of-Life Guide cloverendoflifeguide (instagram)
Courney Tatlow 636-795-0093 Cortney@JoyfulTransitionsDoula.com Joyful Transitions, LLC
Gale Thackery 618-304-2660 galethackrey@gmail.com Luminous Life
Natalie Turner-Jones 636-233-0063 Nat.turnerjones@gmail.com Companioning the Dying
Kansas City, Missouri
Niki Staab 816-964-9434 info@kcendoflife.com KC End of Life KCEndofLife (instagram)
Allison Unruh 785-410-8893 KCEOLD.Allison@gmail.com KC End-of-Life (nonprofit), Banner Endings Doula Collective
Jackson County, Missouri
Gwynn Olson 816-876-8319 gwynnrenae@hotmail.com Guided Grief and Goodbyes
Boone Calloway Counties. Missouri
Terry Wilson 573-230-2162 terrynobel@gmail.com True Nature Center for Wellness